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Saturday, March 29, 2008


Vedic or Indian astrology is an ancient science to read the horoscope of human being. It predicts past, present and future status of new birthed child. It is a balance sheet of good and bad works (Karama) of child, done during his past births. In Vedic astrology postulation the soul is immortal and it takes birth again and again until, it go to Mox(an isolation state of soul). A man who reads this balance of woks is called astrologer.
The universe is divided in 12 rashis and 27 Nakhatras. Each rashi is equal to 30 degrres and each nakhatra equal to 13.3333… degrees. Rasis are mesh, vrish, mithun, kark, singh, kanya, tula, vrahchik, dhanu, maker and meen. Each nakhatras is further divided into 4 charan and each charan is named by a Hindi (Language) alphabet. There are nine planets. These are sun, moon, mars, mercury, Saturn, Jupitor, venus, Rahu and ketu.
When child’s birth takes place, his birth time(country standard time), place(near railway station) of birth and date. There are 12 laganas in 24 hours. At the time of birth, which the Lanana rises is called Janam Lagana and it is placed in the first house of birth chart and other houses are numbered in chronological order. The planets are placed in these houses as per their positions in rashis. Name of child is given in alphabet of Nakhatra charan.
Life span of child is predicted with visnotari and astotari mahadasha and antardasha.

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